Italian quality around the world.

Pietra di trani, finitura levigata, aspetto superficiale

Polished finish

Rolled finish

Consistente – Compatta – Duttile – Impermeabile – Non geliva – Resistente allo scivolio – Alta longevità – Ottima brillantezza cromatica – Toni delicati, neutri ed omogeneiLucidatura persistente e durevole, much used in civil constructions and in complex architectural structures with structural or ornamental function. Used for residential use and for urban furniture with walkways, garden avenues, dry walls, fountains, sidewalks and pedestrian paths, swimming pools, rustic pavements, bike paths, etc. Excellent ability to measure itself even with climatic zones with strong thermal excursion, thanks to the high coefficient of impermeability and non freezing. The Pietra di Trani is widely used in the interior for the realization of architectural complements such as columns, capitals, jambs, thresholds, stairs, cornices, shelves, arches, classic fireplaces and contemporary design. This stone, prized for its longevity, is particularly suitable for the coating of residential floors and flooring with high transit, as well as internal and external walls.

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